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Friday, April 27, 2012

Car Seat Confessions

You're trying to keep the car on the road as you reach back to put the paci in baby's mouth, while your baby is screaming in their car seat and your two other children are in the "back, back" of the van starting to yell, because they are getting frustrated by the noise. Shoooooo, it makes me tense to even read that! Ever been there? It's my reality right now, and if I want to leave my house, I have to face it numerous times a day. My first son was colicky. I mean screamed 13 hours a day for the first 6 months, but at least we could stick him in the car seat and he would normally fall asleep. Not my 2nd and 3rd! Especially not my 3rd. She is 6 months old now and we are still trying to figure out soothing methods to get her to calm down. Most friends and family don't believe that Anna screams like she does in the car, until they take a ride with us! Holy Moly, she's got some lungs! We aren't quite sure if we are just now figuring out some things that are helping her, or if she is just "working it out" with age.
Tips and Tricks: 1. Baby Einstein Music and Melodies Mirror
You are supposed to put it on the back of the seat for baby to look at, but I have also tied it on to the car seat handle bar for her to play with it. Like so.
I was willing to spend any amount of money if it would help the crying! I think this was $30 well spent. I love that I can put the music/lights on a timer. You can set it from 10-60 minutes. This is an over all great buy! Hope this helps soothe your crying car seat baby too!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Straw Bowls. Can't live without them!

When it comes to soup or cereal, my boy's can't live without these straw bowls and cups! If you have a Publix near you, they retail for about a $1.50 a piece. You can also get them from numerous other websites, including onestepahead. There you can pick up a 6 pack of bowls for 9.95. Caution, they may cause an occasional bubble blowing contests ;-)

Medicine Dropper Water Color Paint

What to do with all of those old medicine droppers??? Water Color Paint!! Beautiful!! Here's how to...
1. Get some old, CLEAN medicine droppers!
2. Get some glasses and food coloring!
3. Paint Away!!
TaDa!! Look what I made!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Top 5 Summer Essentials for Kids

1. Sunscreen Wipes (Supergoop! Sunscreen Swipes) How amazing are these!!! Sunscreen Wipes...Awesome!
2. Sprinkler Play! Can't get enough!! (Fisher Price)
3. Travel Backpack/Art-table (GoVinci Backpack) Why didn't I think of this?
4.Popsicle Molds. Must have.
5. Ice Cream Maker - Game!! The Ice Cream Ball Play and Ice Cream Maker! How fun!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Bye Bye Swim Diapers

Bye bye swim diapers!! We know that Little Swimmers and all of the other swim diapers only hold the poo anyway, SO, why not buy the bathing suit with diaper already in it?? Genius!!!
Here is the latest in swimwear trends for babies still in diapers.
I love these, "I Play Baby Wear" Suits found at

I'm seeing this for Anna in the future...

This is in the works for Luke!

Happy swimming!
In the mean time, share this with a mommy!!

Baby Poop Talk

Whether your baby has been strictly breastfed or not, you know that the changes in your baby's poo can at times be a little freaky to say the least. Anna is 6 months old now so we've already been through a variety of stool types, ranging from, black to green, to seedy and buttered popcorn smelling! The latest is one that I DO NOT remember seeing in either of my son's poo, when they started solids! You'd think by child number 3, I would know all about poo. So anyway, Anna Banana (very fitting nickname) started with oatmeal a couple weeks ago, once and day and gradually went up to a couple of times a day. No big changes in the poo there.

Just a couple of days ago however, I started mixing some mashed bananas in her oatmeal and boy was I in for a surprise a few days later! I start to change her very full diaper (as she hadn't pooped in a few days, because bananas can be constipating in some babies) and I had a JAW DROPPING moment! "What are these black worms doing in my baby's poo?" After a triple take, and a double check that the black "worms" weren't moving, I quickly ran to my computer!

I found out that I wasn't the only mom googling this! Yes, strange though it may seem, eating bananas can lead to the appearance of worm or thread like things in your baby's poop!

Shooooo! No call to the doctor this time! If you want a picture of this, it's up to you to do the searching, unless you have already seen this firsthand!

In the mean time, please share this with another mommy!