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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Baby Poop Talk

Whether your baby has been strictly breastfed or not, you know that the changes in your baby's poo can at times be a little freaky to say the least. Anna is 6 months old now so we've already been through a variety of stool types, ranging from, black to green, to seedy and buttered popcorn smelling! The latest is one that I DO NOT remember seeing in either of my son's poo, when they started solids! You'd think by child number 3, I would know all about poo. So anyway, Anna Banana (very fitting nickname) started with oatmeal a couple weeks ago, once and day and gradually went up to a couple of times a day. No big changes in the poo there.

Just a couple of days ago however, I started mixing some mashed bananas in her oatmeal and boy was I in for a surprise a few days later! I start to change her very full diaper (as she hadn't pooped in a few days, because bananas can be constipating in some babies) and I had a JAW DROPPING moment! "What are these black worms doing in my baby's poo?" After a triple take, and a double check that the black "worms" weren't moving, I quickly ran to my computer!

I found out that I wasn't the only mom googling this! Yes, strange though it may seem, eating bananas can lead to the appearance of worm or thread like things in your baby's poop!

Shooooo! No call to the doctor this time! If you want a picture of this, it's up to you to do the searching, unless you have already seen this firsthand!

In the mean time, please share this with another mommy!

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